Change Ticket Holder Name or Information

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A majority of the management tasks can be found in the manage tab when you have selected an event. Manage appears after you scroll over an event. To change a ticket holder name, email address, phone number or to add a note, you can do this either under the “guests” tab located next to Manage or by selecting Resend Email.
TIP:  If you plan to Resend the ticket to your attendee, you will want to go to Resend Email to edit their information and Resend Email with their ticket attached. If a new ticket should be sent to the ticket holder, you have the option to resend the email and void the old ticket that was originally sent.

Change Ticket Name or Information

Locate the ticket holder you want to edit or change the information for. Then, hover over the left of the ticket holder’s name you wish to change, a red pencil will appear. Click on the red pencil to edit the name, email, phone number, and/or notes sections.

Edit the fields you wish to change. Click the floppy disk save icon to save.

Resend Email

To resend the ticket, select the ticket or tickets you wish to resend and click Send Ticket on the top right corner of the list of tickets.

If you want to void the previous ticket. Select “Void the ticket and generate a new one”. Click resend tickets to resend the ticket. 


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