3. Design a Splash Page
Design a Splash Page
Use a custom splash page to give more details about the event. The splash page already has a cover image, description, and ticket levels. Add additional sections with more information, images, videos, sound files, and maps. This splash page is shown on the landing page that Sparxo hosts and the embedded flows.
Add Sections
To add a section, click on the plus sign on the mock browser window. Each section will be added below the ticket levels. You can always rearrange the sections after you created them.

Adding Photos
Add photos to your splash page. Photos will automatically align with a gride depending on how many photos are added at a time.
Make sure you remember to name the Section Title. This is the label on the navigation link to this section. If you don’t want a link to this section, you can always uncheck “add a navigation link to this section.”
To separate sections of your splash page, you can select one of two background colors. For the light color theme, the choices are white and light grey.
To add photos, simply drag and drop photos into the lightbox and click save to add the photos to your splash page.

Choose a Color Theme
There are two color themes for the event splash page: Dark and Light. Choose the theme that suits your event. You can change the color theme by clicking on the paintbrush icon on the orange mockup browser.

Reorder Sections
Sections can be reordered after creation. Click on the hamburger icon ( ) on the orange mockup browser. Move the sections with the up and down arrows.