1. Edit Event Details
Configure Event Details
The first step to creating an event is to configure event details. These details are the basic information for your event. The information you put here will show on the event splash page, event email reminders, confirmation email, and ticket. You will need to set up at least one ticket level after configuring and adding your event details before you can “save” your event and move on to designing your event splash page.
Basic Details
Event Name * | This is your event’s name. Keep the name short to make it easier to remember. |
Event URL * | Sparxo automatically hosts a landing page for your event. You can always turn this off in a later step. |
Event Location * | Let your guests know where your event will be located. |

Event Description * | This description will be shown on the splash page. Tell your ticket buyers about your event.
NOTE: If you are copying and pasting text from another website or document, paste using Shift + Ctrl + V if you are on Windows or Shift + Command + V if you are on iOS. This will remove any style that will interfere with the design. |
Time Zone | Set the time zone for your event. This seldom needs to be edited. This setting effects ticket sales windows if you choose to customize ticket sales windows. |
Event Start and End Time * | Let your guests know when your event starts and ends. |

Event Picture | Include an event image for your event. This image will show up on the event splash page, Facebook share, and embedded widgets.
Recommended image dimension: 2560 x 964 |

Advanced Options
Advanced Options let you customize your event even further.
Hide event details | When selected, event details will be hidden on all embedded flows. This will not hide the event details on the Sparxo hosted splash page. |
Hide event time and date | When selected, the event’s time and date will not show in any registration flows. |
Disable ticket levels | When selected, the ticketing aspect of the check out flow is completely disabled. |
Show remaining sales time for all ticket levels | When selected, the amount of time left to buy tickets will be shown. |
Show remaining ticket count | When selected, the number of tickets left to buy will show. |
Send tickets to multiple ticket holders | When selected, Sparxo collects email addresses for each ticket and sends the ticket to each email address.
If you are asking additional questions for each ticket holder, this setting needs to be selected. |
Collect zip codes | When selected, Sparxo collects zip code information. Keeping this selected is a good idea if you are collecting payment information. |
Collect phone numbers | When selected, Sparxo collects phone number information. Keeping this selected is a good idea if you are collecting payment information. |
Set event total capacity to | When selected, all tickets will show sold out if the number of tickets sold meets the number defined here. |